Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Signs and Other Crap...

I used to watch the show Glee and one of my favorite quotes came from the Cheerleading Coach Sue Sylvester, “I’m going to the DMV today to tell them that I will no longer be carrying ID. Why? Because people should know who I am.”

Why do churches need signs for their buildings? If we were really being the Ambassadors for Christ to the world as we are called to in 1 Corinthians 5 then people would just know who we are.

My Church currently doesn’t have a sign on the corner where we reside and I constantly hear grumbles that we really need one because this will help us grow. Grow what?

When I think of big signs, I think of consumer advertising. When I think of advertising I think of competition because advertising is not just to pull you in for their product but also to pull you away from a like product they believe is inferior. Ie: McDonalds and Burger King.

My Church is literally across the street from two other Churches. If we were to put a big sign out front I wonder what the community would think our advertising purpose is? My fear is that they believe for one reason or another that all these churches, because they all had Easter services yesterday, worship the same God, ergo they are on the same team. Because of this belief their response to a new sign may be the absolute opposite of what people who are pushing for the sign, want.

I think the community will see this “advertising” as our church calling them away from the other churches to a better product. Nobody likes watch couples fight at a party. They need to keep that mess in the privacy of their own home! Unfortunately, The Churches mess has been out on the streets in the public eye for centuries and I truly believe it is one of the main reasons people want nothing to do with us, and definitely don’t want to come to our homes (Church Buildings) They have enough drama in their lives why would they want to get in the middle of ours.

I am not saying that our church’s motivation for a physical sign is to draw people away from other churches, but seeing that some churches still feel “called by God” to a piece of land right across the street from another church keeps me from denying it!

How did God advertise for his Church? Transforming power and undeniable truth! In Acts chapter 2 The first Christians (even though they were not called this yet) were given the gift of the Holy Spirit, people saw God’s power through the gift of tongues (Acts 2:4) ,that were interpreted by the people in the crowd, (Acts 2:8) and were amazed and in wonder. (Acts 2:12) Then they heard the message of Christ preached with boldness (Acts 2:14-35) In response to God’s power and truth they ran into God’s arms by the thousands (Acts 2:41) God used and continues to use his PEOPLE as the advertisement! WE are the “sign” for God. (1 Cor. 5:20)

So, for those of you who are upset with me because you think a physical sign with a jumbo screen that ticks through Bible verses and shows "The Passion of the Christ" everyday during rush hour, is the answer for church “growth”, perhaps your time and people's money would be better spent if you were to step back and first evaluate if people are running to YOUR "sign".

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