Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Freedom Dance

I love this video! After my last post I think I needed to share this lighter thought.

Everytime I see this video I think of Christ. He entered his ministry saying and doing things that many considered crazy. They watched him in unbelief with critical eyes wondering if he was in his right mind. They giggled and pointed. Some even engaged him in conversation, pretending to respect him when deep down they only wanted to bring focus to his errors, but he was unfazed. He seemed to dance to the beat of a different drummer but his dance was so free. FREE from fear and anxiety. FREE from the feeling of unworthiness. FREE from the trappings of what is acceptable in society.

And after a while of intense observation a few brave souls decided to throw caution to the wind and Join Him in his FREE dance. Other watched and noted how easy it was to join in the dance because there was no set choreograph or rules about motion, only freedom of expression based on the talent for dance that you possessed. This dance inspired so much boldness and so much joy in the participants that soon crowds of people came from everywhere to join in because they had to know if this dance was as freeing as it looked.

1 Corinthians 1:18 says" For the word of the cross is folly those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Much like the scene in this video. Not everyone wanted to join. Some still sat and scoffed because it was stupid to them. But for those in the mob, the dance was epic joy.

Do you know the dance? Or did you join the mob because everyone around you was jumping in, but instead of tapping into the freedom the master displayed you merely watched him very closely and mimicked his every move hoping that in doing so he and those around you would believe you were part of the mob? Problem is that that dance in not for them. it's for those in the outside and they can tell if you are faking it.

As we prepare ourselves to enter into the life, death and resurrection of Christ this weekend. I don't want us to miss that through Christ we are FREE to now dance in the presence of the God without shame. This freedom dance is a gift to us, not to be used entertainment for us in front of our bathroom mirrors, but instead as an invitation to others who are desperate to dance freely. But if no one who watched you outside the mob sees you dancing this dance again or if when asked to dance again you refuse because your are embarrassed, then you are only affirming the sitting scoffers original thought; that this master dancer possessed no freeing power at all, only a sadistic propensity for foolishness.

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