Thursday, May 26, 2011


hey everyone I am moving to

Come check it out!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who will mourn Bin Laden??

To Bin Laden we were his enemies. To him hating us and killing us was an offering to Allah. “Christianity” is not innocent of this crime.

In my flesh I am glad he is dead. I have wanted him dead from the moment I found out he was behind the attacks of 9-11! Everyday, I waited in anticipation of the news that some hero had found him in a cave and filled him with lead! I do feel that justice came to him, but there is also something inside of me that twinges when I say this. Who am I to call anything just, when I am subject to the same judge as Bin Laden? In fact, the only reason that our judgments may be different is because of something that has nothing to do with me.
This Passage keeps coming to mind:

“ There's nobody living right, not even one,
nobody who knows the score, nobody alert for God.
They've all taken the wrong turn;
they've all wandered down blind alleys.
No one's living right;
I can't find a single one.
Their throats are gaping graves,
their tongues slick as mudslides.
Every word they speak is tinged with poison.
They open their mouths and pollute the air.
They race for the honor of sinner-of-the-year,
litter the land with heartbreak and ruin,
Don't know the first thing about living with others.
They never give God the time of day.
This makes it clear, doesn't it, that whatever is written in these Scriptures is not what God says about others but to us to whom these Scriptures were addressed in the first place! And it's clear enough, isn't it, that we're sinners, every one of us, in the same sinking boat with everybody else? Our involvement with God's revelation doesn't put us right with God. What it does is force us to face our complicity in everyone else's sin.”
(Romans 3:10-20)

It is easy to say that Bin Laden deserves to die and burn in hell but so does everyone else. In God’s eyes sin is sin. Bin Laden’s murderous attitude and deeds do not somehow weight heavier on the God scale than my own sins. “Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him.” (1 John 3:15)

Hell sounds like a horrible place. So much so that God gave his only Son as a perfect sacrifice for us so that we would not have to endure it. (John 3:16) Then he sent his spirit into all those who believe to empower them to carry this message of salvation all over the world so that others will also have a chance to accept this gift of salvation. (1 Cor. 5:20) Anyone who dies without this gift is a tragedy to God, even a man like Bin Laden. So, shouldn't that be a tragedy to me as well?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Transforming Perspective

We have to stop reading the Bible as a collection of stories about amazing or not so amazing people of God! The Bible is one story and the main character is God. If you have ever read the Bible from cover to cover (and I highly recommend it) you will see that the stories are not isolated. They all intertwine and many times, unless you know what happened earlier in the book, you will not be able to get the full meaning of a passage you are reading. Most importantly we have to recognize that God is the center of the story and all creation is used to proclaim his glory, even people.

I was reading in 1 Kings 3: 5-14 yesterday and had an interesting revelation. This is the beginning of Solomon’s reign as king over Israel. God says to him “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Instead of asking for money or fame, Solomon asks for a wise and discerning heart. God is so pleased with Solomon’s request that he decides to not only give him wisdom that will never be rivaled but he also gave him riches and fame beyond any king who ever lived. This all sounds great until in verse 14 God says “and if you walk in my ways and obey my statutes and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” This phrase is what you call foreshadowing. As it turns out Solomon did not obey all the commands and statues of God, but was lead astray by multiple women.

Now here’s what makes that story hard to read. Solomon’s downfall is no surprise to God. He knew it was coming and yet he still lavishes all this wisdom, wealth and fame on Solomon knowing also that those very things will become stumbling blocks for him. Why would God do that? It seems like God is setting Solomon up for failure.

There actually is no “seems” about it, he most certainly is setting Solomon up. I don’t know about you but that doesn’t sit well with me. Why? You see, I was looking at Solomon as the main character of the story. I was more focused on what he was trying to accomplish and where he was trying to go than I was God. If Solomon is the main character then he is the protagonist or hero and anyone who fights against him or plots against him is the antagonist. In this perspective the one who is ultimately plotting against Solomon is God, so He, in our minds is now the antagonist or bad guy. No body likes the bad guy.

Now let’s look at it as if God were the main character or hero of this story. He just lavished his son with wisdom, wealth and fame with the only condition being obedience. What does Solomon do? He continues to disobey God and fight against him for what he wants and each day plots ways to do it again. Solomon becomes the antagonist or enemy of God, but don’t miss what God does here.

Even though he knew Solomon would be His antagonist, He still blessed him with all that he asked for and more. Even though Solomon became God’s enemy, God used him by raising him up as proof for future generations that having all the money, fame and in Solomon’s case women (700 wives and 300 concubines) you could ever want, will never be enough to satisfy that emptiness inside. Only God is enough. Solomon learned this and in his repentance was privileged to be used by God to write Proverbs and the book of Ecclesiastes in which, with all his wealth and fame, he writes:

"Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and striving after the wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.” (Ecc. 2:11)

Solomon, the apparently main character of this story in the Bible, is revealed as merely a tool used by the true main character, God, to proclaim His own power, authority and glory. As you read through the Bible and come in contact with these famous characters, begin to train yourself to ask, “what am I learning about God, the hero of the Bible, through this persons life?” If you do this I promise you it will transform your relationship with God.

God’s story is not finished. We are in the middle of it right now. Are we any different than Solomon to God? Are you not a possible tool God can use to prove his glory to the world? Do you want to be?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Might be a Consumer Christian if…

1. You talk more about being a member at your church (club) than being a member of the Body of Christ.

2. You worry more about your “church” walls and who is coming in them than about being the Church outside the walls.

3. The time between your prayers is seven days.

4. You come every Sunday but never serve.

5. Are constantly “checking out” churches

6. You leave a body of believers because you never got anything out of the message.

7. You get upset if the service goes long.

8. You don’t like having kids in the service because then you can’t GET anything out of it.

9. You believe the purpose Of Church is to fill you up for the week.

10. If you invite people in you sphere to Church but not to your home.

11. You complain that there are not enough programs.

12. You feel it’s the churches “job” to feed you.

13. Don’t come to Church on a Sunday the Senior Pastor isn’t preaching.

14. The only time your child hears about God is from his small group teacher on Sunday mornings.

15. After Church you spend more time talking about the volume of the music than you do the message.

16. You consider it a sin to cancel a church service.

17. You complain about the Children’s Ministry curriculum, but don’t have a curriculum that you do with them at home.

18. You the definition of Worship is Singing in Church.

Other Thoughts about Consumerism in the Church:

Many people ask for more “meat” from their Church like it was a Wendy’s and when the church obliges, they take a bite and realize that chewing takes a lot more work than sucking milk from a bottle and they give up.
Some after this go back up to the “customer service counter” and complain that this is the wrong “meat” because they can’t eat it all in one sitting on Sunday and they realize the only way they can finish it is take it home and take bites of it throughout the week but they don’t have time for that.
Others, upon finding the meat a challenge, take a bite and stuff the remainder of the uneaten sandwich back in the bag and pretend like they have eaten it so that the others in the restaurant (church) would not look down on them. But when the manager (church staff) comes and asks how was the “meat” we worked so hard to provide, you say something like, “I couldn’t eat it. It was too salty, or too filling or it is too expensive, or I don’t think I have time to eat.

Some ask for more “meat” (resources) and when the “Wendy’s” (church) provides it they are turned off by the price and don’t take the meat. The manager sees this and realizing that they are starving and will die without the food, hands it to them for free. They take it and smile but as they walk away they realize that it was not the price that turned them off, but the cost.

Our time with God either at home or at a church building is not about us it’s about God!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Church Signs and Other Crap...

I used to watch the show Glee and one of my favorite quotes came from the Cheerleading Coach Sue Sylvester, “I’m going to the DMV today to tell them that I will no longer be carrying ID. Why? Because people should know who I am.”

Why do churches need signs for their buildings? If we were really being the Ambassadors for Christ to the world as we are called to in 1 Corinthians 5 then people would just know who we are.

My Church currently doesn’t have a sign on the corner where we reside and I constantly hear grumbles that we really need one because this will help us grow. Grow what?

When I think of big signs, I think of consumer advertising. When I think of advertising I think of competition because advertising is not just to pull you in for their product but also to pull you away from a like product they believe is inferior. Ie: McDonalds and Burger King.

My Church is literally across the street from two other Churches. If we were to put a big sign out front I wonder what the community would think our advertising purpose is? My fear is that they believe for one reason or another that all these churches, because they all had Easter services yesterday, worship the same God, ergo they are on the same team. Because of this belief their response to a new sign may be the absolute opposite of what people who are pushing for the sign, want.

I think the community will see this “advertising” as our church calling them away from the other churches to a better product. Nobody likes watch couples fight at a party. They need to keep that mess in the privacy of their own home! Unfortunately, The Churches mess has been out on the streets in the public eye for centuries and I truly believe it is one of the main reasons people want nothing to do with us, and definitely don’t want to come to our homes (Church Buildings) They have enough drama in their lives why would they want to get in the middle of ours.

I am not saying that our church’s motivation for a physical sign is to draw people away from other churches, but seeing that some churches still feel “called by God” to a piece of land right across the street from another church keeps me from denying it!

How did God advertise for his Church? Transforming power and undeniable truth! In Acts chapter 2 The first Christians (even though they were not called this yet) were given the gift of the Holy Spirit, people saw God’s power through the gift of tongues (Acts 2:4) ,that were interpreted by the people in the crowd, (Acts 2:8) and were amazed and in wonder. (Acts 2:12) Then they heard the message of Christ preached with boldness (Acts 2:14-35) In response to God’s power and truth they ran into God’s arms by the thousands (Acts 2:41) God used and continues to use his PEOPLE as the advertisement! WE are the “sign” for God. (1 Cor. 5:20)

So, for those of you who are upset with me because you think a physical sign with a jumbo screen that ticks through Bible verses and shows "The Passion of the Christ" everyday during rush hour, is the answer for church “growth”, perhaps your time and people's money would be better spent if you were to step back and first evaluate if people are running to YOUR "sign".

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Freedom Dance

I love this video! After my last post I think I needed to share this lighter thought.

Everytime I see this video I think of Christ. He entered his ministry saying and doing things that many considered crazy. They watched him in unbelief with critical eyes wondering if he was in his right mind. They giggled and pointed. Some even engaged him in conversation, pretending to respect him when deep down they only wanted to bring focus to his errors, but he was unfazed. He seemed to dance to the beat of a different drummer but his dance was so free. FREE from fear and anxiety. FREE from the feeling of unworthiness. FREE from the trappings of what is acceptable in society.

And after a while of intense observation a few brave souls decided to throw caution to the wind and Join Him in his FREE dance. Other watched and noted how easy it was to join in the dance because there was no set choreograph or rules about motion, only freedom of expression based on the talent for dance that you possessed. This dance inspired so much boldness and so much joy in the participants that soon crowds of people came from everywhere to join in because they had to know if this dance was as freeing as it looked.

1 Corinthians 1:18 says" For the word of the cross is folly those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Much like the scene in this video. Not everyone wanted to join. Some still sat and scoffed because it was stupid to them. But for those in the mob, the dance was epic joy.

Do you know the dance? Or did you join the mob because everyone around you was jumping in, but instead of tapping into the freedom the master displayed you merely watched him very closely and mimicked his every move hoping that in doing so he and those around you would believe you were part of the mob? Problem is that that dance in not for them. it's for those in the outside and they can tell if you are faking it.

As we prepare ourselves to enter into the life, death and resurrection of Christ this weekend. I don't want us to miss that through Christ we are FREE to now dance in the presence of the God without shame. This freedom dance is a gift to us, not to be used entertainment for us in front of our bathroom mirrors, but instead as an invitation to others who are desperate to dance freely. But if no one who watched you outside the mob sees you dancing this dance again or if when asked to dance again you refuse because your are embarrassed, then you are only affirming the sitting scoffers original thought; that this master dancer possessed no freeing power at all, only a sadistic propensity for foolishness.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30 reasons people don’t believe what you say about Christ

I woke up this morning at 3:00 and couldn’t go back to sleep. I was really grieving the state of the Church in America. This is some of what came into my head.

30 reasons people don’t believe what you say about Christ

1. You pick and choose what you want to believe from the Bible. Oh, and surprise the portions you don’t believe just happen to be condemning the choices you are making in life.

2. You talk about having a covenant relationship with God and yet don’t believe maintaining your covenant relationship with you spouse is important.

3. You are still angry about a disagreement with another part of the Body of Christ from 500 years ago and yet you can’t even explain why.

4. You suffer from shame. That feeling you get when you bow your head to pray in the middle of a crowded restaurant Or that feeling you get when someone talks badly about your God and you say nothing. That is shame. No one wants to be on a team that is ashamed of itself.

5. With your lips you say “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord” as long as it’s safe.

6. Instead of praying for boldness and strength you pray for relief.

7. You talk badly about the other Church across the street. You don’t talk to anyone from the Church across the street. You don’t know that you live next door to a person from the Church across the street

8. You go to Lunch after church and make a scene when the waiter brings you the wrong side item and then you don’t tip.

9. You don’t take care of your health.

10. You scream at your child from the stands during his T-Ball game.

11. You look just a busy as everyone else.

12. You don’t talk to your neighbors.

13. You don’t hang out with anyone who doesn’t look or believe like you.

14. You judge those who don’t have Christ but don’t say a word to those who do.

15. You don’t say anything about you faith to anyone. (Must not be that life changing)

16. Your life doesn’t seem to be changing

17. You have a Jesus fish on your car and yet pull up next to a person who cut you off and yell profanities through the window at them.

18. The only time during the week people hear you say the name of God is when it is followed by Damn.

19. You are just a drunk as they are.

20. You talk badly about your spouse in public.

21. You complain about watching your kids.

22. You check out and comment on every pretty woman that walks by (This is for both girls and boys)

23. You are critical

24. You are crass

25. You are mean

26. You have no remorse

27. You show no mercy

28. You show no grace

29. You offer no forgiveness

30. You look at this list and believe I am talking about someone other than you.

31 Signs You May Not Be a Christian

See above

2 Corinthians 13:5. 2 Peter 1:5-9. You can’t look up these verses because you have no idea where you Bible is.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today I talked to a very dangerous man.

Today I talked to a very dangerous man.

Every year I emcee a Robotics competition in Downtown Dallas. Now as a Christian I am always careful to go into any performance situation prepared to be used by God, because I usually expect to find myself in conversations with those who are outside the Church. Today though, I found myself having a very frightening discussion with a gentleman who calls himself a Christian.

Our conversation began with him saying “I think we will all be surprised at who all is in heaven when we get there.” A point on which we agreed because I had a pastor once that would say “the biggest surprise in heaven is whose there, whose not there and that you are there” which I always keep in mind when I start to feel to good about myself.

Unfortunately, the point this man was trying to make from his statement was that he believed that people had a chance after they died to accept Christ. Now, if this was a non-Christian I would have nodded my head and said “hmmm…that is an interesting idea, what religion is that?” but seeing how this was a guy who called himself a Christian I said, “Where in the Bible does it say that?” he replied, “The parable of the Landowner” (This is a parable that Jesus told that can be found in Matt. 20.) He then began to tell me the main points of the parable, how the Landowner hired some guys in the morning to work his vineyard and then hired some more guys in the afternoon but then he said, “And remember the last guys he hired? They didn’t work at all and they still got paid the same!” Right then I stopped him and let him know that he was mistaken because the last group did indeed work but it was only for an hour or so.

The parable is describing the grace of God that is given equally to those who come to the faith late in life. This parable, along with the account of the criminal on the cross that trusts in Christ, implies that even on a persons death bed they came be saved but it in no way gives the impression that people can accept Christ after they have died. The man continued on with his claims and I told him that I was willing to consider his point if he could find me some scripture to back it up. “It’s not in the Bible,” he said, “But I personally believe it.” “When it comes to the topic of salvation I don’t care what you personally believe I want to see it in the Bible!” I said, but the man had nothing to show me. I would like to say that was his only false claim for the day but I would be lying. The fact is that I had to correct many of his claims about God, but unlike him, I did so strictly using scripture as opposed to my opinions.

Here is what I want you to catch: Our Biblical literacy and our intimate knowledge of the scriptures is our only defense against the false teachings that are confidently parading around in sheep’s (Christians) clothing. If I was not familiar with that parable and many other books of the Bible today I could have easily been lead astray by this man. In fact, our conversation was being witnessed by some other Christians and during the day I had to go to each of them and show them scripture that destroyed his claims because I didn’t want them to go away with any part of the falseness being presented.

The Bible tells us in 2 Cor. 11 that there will be false prophets among us that will teach a different Jesus than the one proclaimed in the scriptures, but if we don’t know the scriptures then we will not be able to recognized the falsehood. The Bible is called our sword for a reason. It is a weapon. And in the hands of one who knows how to use it can be a great defense against the lies of the devil.

I began this post saying “I talked to a dangerous man.” Do you know why this man was so dangerous? Because he is the worship pastor at a church in Dallas that has over 2,000 people, all of which look to him for spiritual leadership. Get into your Bible’s people for the “pulpit” is not always the safest place.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This one goes out to all my perfectionists out there

I got this following list from my amazing counselor Roy Austin. He's the man!

The Curse of perfectionism
"When doing your best is the worst you can do"

1. When you base your sense of worth and self-esteem on your performance

2. When your best is imposed upon you, and your driving emotion is fear

3. When you don't count the cost of doing your best, and then later resent the price you had to pay to achieve it

4. When your "best" is only a vague concept rather than a specific, measurable outcome

5. When your best is required in too many tasks

6. When you become defensive or feel like a failure at those times when you don't do your best

7. When you can't enjoy having done you best because you discount it with, "But I should have done even better."

The Blessing of Excellence
"The Best Way Possible to Do Your Best"

1. When your self-esteem is not determined by your performance

2. When you have willingly chosen or accepted your goals, and you basic driving emotion is desire

3. When you have carefully evaluated what your "best" requires and are willing to pay the price without resentment

4. When your "best" is a clearly defined and measurable outcome or behavior

5. When you limit your "excellence" goals to those you can realistically achieve. Do not attempt the best in everything

6. When you learn and grow from those times when your performance is less than your best

7. When you allow yourself to take pleasure in your performance, and let it motivate your toward new goals.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Trip to Corinth: Is Christ Divided?

The past three months I have repeatedly read through the books of 1st and 2nd Corinthians with my two buddies and I wanted to just share some of the points I will take with me. I know that there are a ton more points, but these are some of the ones that I walked away with:

“I appeal to you, brothers. By the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in that same mind and the same judgment…one of you says, ‘I follow Paul’, or ‘I follow Apollos,’ or ‘I follow Cephas,’ or ‘I follow Christ.’ Is Christ divided?” 1 Cor. 1:10-13

Is Christ divided? It seems so. Some say I follow the Pope, or I follow Luther or I follow Wesley, or I follow Calvin. Was it Calvin who was crucified for you? Was Luther the messiah that the Old Testament talked about? Did the Pope rise from the dead? Are Wesley words the ones that the Holy Spirit reminds us of?

Our salvation comes from Christ and it is his death and resurrection that gives us the opportunity to live with God forever in Heaven. I can understand the desire to explore different ways to worship God. Many people believe that they should worship God in a way that is comfortable to them, but many of these denominations were created and are maintained by that thought that there is a certain way to worship God. That is an earthly or fleshly thought process because I can’t imagine that a God as awesome as the one I serve could be worshiped one way. I look forward to spending eternity learning all the ways in which he deserves to be worshiped.

I don’t want to say it but I have to…I hate denominations! I do! What a horrible witness of the unifying spirit of Jesus Christ! The first part of Corinthians has really challenged the way I look at the full body of Christ or the whole Church in the world. I find that I don’t concern myself with the non-essential differences in the many denomination bases, but when I meet someone who says they are a Christian I seek to hear what Jesus means to them and how he is at work in their lives. He is our connect! He is what unifies us!

God forgive us for making this time on earth and the time on Sunday’s about anything else. God forgive us for not talking to our fellow Christian neighbor because their cross looks different than ours. God forgive us for spending some much time and shedding so much of each other’s blood over the liquid used for communion. God forgive us for the way we talk about each other in front of our non-Christian friends or on TV because some of us decide not to have a service if December 25th lands on a Sunday. And finally God please forgive us for denying membership into our believer clicks because we had water dropped on us instead of us being dropped into water.

This is in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. My we allow our non-essentials to be buried with Christ and through his resurrection may we be raised to walk TOGETHER in a new life.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Which is more "unjust": The Tsunami or Charlie Sheen?

Which is more "unjust": the tsunami's in Japan or that a guy like Charlie Sheen has millions of dollars and "gets" to live with two "goddesses" that are half his age?

Sort of a weird question I know, because the two don’t seem to be inner related. But I think that both of these situations bring to front a discussion on what some would call injustice.
Here is what I mean in the case of Charlie Sheen your answer will depend on your version of success. If you think that money and women are the end points of life then I would guess that you think a tool like Charlie Sheen doesn’t deserve such riches. It’s the old “Why do Good things happen to Bad people?” question. But, I think that would be arrogant of us to judge Charlie Sheen. He is just doing what everyone around him was doing. 1 Corinthians tells us that as a Christian I am never to judge those who don’t know Christ because how can I expect them to act like someone they don’t know. I as a Christian should however Judge those that know Christ because they should know better. Truth of the matter is there are many all over the world that are working to achieve Charlie Sheen's life. They really believe that is, as Sheen would say, "Winning" not knowing that the effects of that pursuit could devastate their lives and the lives of their families. And they are a lot closer to us than you think. That to me is heart wrenching! The people in Japan had that tsunami happen to them where as the Charlie Sheen's of the world are bringing it on themselves.

In the case of the tsunami’s in Japan is not really a matter of justice at all, It is merely a horrible natural disaster. The real reason why I have think I have heard the word unjust thrown around in the Tsunami situation is because people are bringing in the age old question of “Why would a Just God allow this to happen?” I will try this week to take a stab at that on this blog. So be sure to become a followers so you can get in on the discussion :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 400 year nothing

Exodus 1: 6-8
“The Joseph died, and all his brothers and all that generation. But the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong so the land was filled with them. Now there arose a new King over Egypt who did not know Joseph…”

If you have ever wondered about your importance in the Story of God you can discover it in the fact that over the course of these three verses 400 years passed. Think about that. We are in the year 2011 if we go back 400 years we find ourselves in the year 1611. Do you want to know some of the important things that were going on in time? In 1611 The first telescope was invented, people had just coined the word “Electric” but Ben Franklin would not discover how to use electricity until 150 years later. The King James Bible Translation was released. How many of thouest still readith that version of the Bible?

Now as we look on those events or accomplishments from a 2011 perspective we realize that the world has changed dramatically!!! So, image that God was writing a story and at one point he drops in on 1611 and tells the story of somebody inventing the telescope and then three verses later he begins telling your story in 2011 without referencing anyone in between? That’s crazy right? Think of all the “important” people and discoveries that God missed! Or did he? God doesn’t miss anything. The things that are truly important in the telling of his story, God zero’s in on with laser beam focus.

So, what does that say to how we should view our lives? For one thing I think we should stop taking ourselves so seriously! We spend so much of our time trying to climb the corporate ladder, further our education or prepare our kids for whatever we want for their future and even if we or our kids accomplishes something great, like discovering a new planet in our solar system or creating the IPad 3, if it’s not furthering God’s story, we might as well have just discovered an extra curly fry at the bottom of our Jack In A Box lunch bag. Our lives are just a blip on this planet and truthfully in grand scheme of things most of the worldly things we accomplish will have little effect in the Story of God. Sorry. Now it may have tons of effect and be of great interest to the other non-story worthy blips that will live on this planet, but truthfully it’s not that interesting to God.

Now before you go and throw yourselves off a cliff, do you want to know what is interesting to God? Look back at the verse above. In the middle of the passage he does have one sentence that describes what he took note of over that 400 years between Joseph and Moses. “…the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong so the land was filled with them.” Do the words “fruitful” and “multiplied” bring any other biblical references to mind? How about the very first command of God to Adam and Eve in Genesis 1:28 “Be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it…” or what he told Noah’s family after the Flood “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” (Gen. 9:1) and in the covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17:6 what did he promise to do? “I will make you exceedingly fruitful and I will make you into nations, and kings shall come from you…”

God has always desired for his world to be filled with his people and since the fall of man his desire has not changed but how he would achieve this desire has changed because now we are born broken and so he has to fix us, for us to be his people and that is what Jesus is for. Don’t miss the main point of this multiplication. In the Old Testament covenants more Israelites born meant more people of God and the parents were to teach their children who God was. In doing so the people were fulfilling their part of the covenant with God. But, if they did not pass on their faith to their children then they would create useless generations who would forget about God and disobey him, which would lead to some catastrophic discipline by God because they were not fulfilling their end of the covenant. After the cross and resurrection, God establishes a new covenant that cuts the rest of the world in on the deal he had been giving the Jews for years and look at what he commands to his “New” people “ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” (matt. 28:19) or be fruitful and multiply.

God is interested in more disciples that will be saved from the punishment of hell to spend eternity in heaven with him. So, to be a part of God’s story what should we be doing? 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 lays out the story of God and his “peoples” place in it the best:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. 20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us…”

Simply put God desires to see all his creation saved from their sin and back in a right relationship with him (reconciliation). We are whom he chooses to use for his marketing or we are his representatives of reconciliation. If we are not intentionally taking part in this job i.e. introducing others to God, or worse yet have no excitement or urgency in doing these things we may need to check whether we really have been reconciled ourselves.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Personal Challenge for 2011 Part Four: Physical

This year I have decided to get myself Relationally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically in shape for the use of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “…do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your Body.”

I believe that working on all these aforementioned things and getting them in shape will bring glory to God in my life. I realize that something this big in my life needs to be chronicled for my sake but also for the sake of others. For the journey itself could be a blessing to others. So, I will chronicle my journey right here on this blog for the 8 of you that may care ☺. I started this process New Years Day. So, let me take a couple of days to catch you up to where I am. Here is the last part.

➪ I started working out 6 days a week with P90X and really watching what I am putting into my body and how much of it.
o As of today I have lost 19 lbs since the beginning of the year!! I have gone from 210 to 191 and strangely no one has noticed. I don’t know what that means about the way I looked before ☺ I’ve dropped two pant sizes and I am fitting into clothes I haven’t wore in two years! (Why do I feel like I am doing a commercial for slimfast ☺ )
➪ 1 Cor. 9:26 “so I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.”
o I have really been looking at my body and asking, “when someone looks at how I look and what I eat, is God glorified?” How can I stand up in front of people and challenge them to love God with everything when I can even practice the fruit of self-control in the area of my eating? Now I am eating to live, instead of living to eat.
• I realized that I was a Glutton. I was eating passed the point of satisfaction and in doing so taking food out of the mouth of others, Who did not even have enough to be satisfied. The more I consume the less there is for others. That is one part of my sin in Glutton
• Part Two is that I was eating as if I didn’t think I would eat again. This was not a conscious thought I had, but a revelation to me of a weakness in my general faith in God
o I ate so much because I didn’t believe that God would provide my next meal so I had to eat two or three meals at a time so I could ensure I would be good for awhile. I know it sounds silly but this was a faith issue and one that the Israelites struggled with in the Wilderness. God told them to only gather enough Manna for one day. This was not to be mean but to build up there faith that He would provide again the next day. This lack of faith in my eating also transfers to what I do with money. I try to store it all up just in case God doesn’t come through.
• Anyway, I have realized that how much I eat is a faith issue and so in controlling my eating I am growing closer to God in Faith.
• I also love to get up and work out. I have done P90X before and not had anywhere close to this success because I was doing it for me only. Now I see getting into shape as testimony to the power of God in my life for others and that pushing me through times in my workout that would have sidelined me before.

This is my journey so far and it has only been two months. I can’t wait to see what the next months hold!! Stay Tuned!

Friday, March 4, 2011

My Personal Challenge for 2011 Part Three: Spiritual

This year I have decided to get myself Relationally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically in shape for the use of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “…do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your Body.”

I believe that working on all these aforementioned things and getting them in shape will bring glory to God in my life. I realize that something this big in my life needs to be chronicled for my sake but also for the sake of others. For the journey itself could be a blessing to others. So, I will chronicle my journey right here on this blog for the 8 of you that may care ☺. I started this process New Years Day. So, let me take a couple of days to catch you up to where I am.

➪ I began reading 30 chapters of the Bible a week. Then found two accountability partners that would agree to do it with me and hold me accountable to my reading challenge as well as other important areas of my life.
o Because of the way we have it set up, I have read through 1 Corinthians 14 times!!! Which has been incredible!! Every time I read it I learn something else or I get a deeper understanding on something I learned in earlier reads.
o I read a ton of books each year and because of my vocation they mostly about Christian topics. I have loved 1 Corinthians so much and have seen my love for God grow so vigorously in the past two months of reading it that I decided to make the Bible the only book about faith I am going to read this year! Call it my Daniel fast. I want to see what God will do in my life if I only get my views about his Word from Him. Funny thing is many Christian that I tell this to look at me as if I am about to spit on their child. I am not sure why. Many comments to me about this challenge seem to imply that I should not just read the Bible by myself without someone seminary trained to tell me what it means. There is some well intended wisdom in that for that is how many heresies came into existence. I also, know that most of the divisions in the Church today are inspired by seminary trained leaders. So I think I’ll take my chances with Paul’s writings to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:7 when he tells him, “Think over what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.” So I will present myself to God, “as one approved, a worker who has not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.”
➪ My Church is reading through the Bible this year starting at the Beginning.
o I am hearing new things about my life and about God from stories that I have known and read for years. It is unbelievable!! God reveals different truths to me from single words or phrases. I feel overwhelmed by the blessings of His wisdom in my life.
➪ I look forward to seeing who I have become at the end of this year with my steady diet of God’s Word.

Tune in tomorrow for the final area of my challenge and what God has done so far for me Physically!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Personal Challenge for 2011 Part Two: Emotional

This year I have decided to get myself Relationally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically in shape for the use of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “…do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your Body.”

I believe that working on all these aforementioned things and getting them in shape will bring glory to God in my life. I realize that something this big in my life needs to be chronicled for my sake but also for the sake of others. For the journey itself could be a blessing to others. So, I will chronicle my journey right here on this blog for the 8 of you that may care ☺. I started this process New Years Day. So, let me take a couple of days to catch you up to where I am.

➪ I began meeting with a Counselor at the end of last year
o He has helped my work on my anger problem that caused the above event and has caused issues for me at work. We discovered that I am a perfectionist, which he says is one of the worst things a person can be because you can never enjoy anything you do because you always see the flaws. Praise God this year I have been able to be okay with mistakes and I have been able to recognize things that ignite that anger inside me go through process of evaluation that diffuses me.

Tune in tomorrow for my "Spiritual" progress!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My 2011 Personal Challenge Part One

This year I have decided to get myself Relationally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Physically in shape for the use of God.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says “…do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your Body.”

I believe that working on all these aforementioned things and getting them in shape will bring glory to God in my life. I realize that something this big in my life needs to be chronicled for my sake but also for the sake of others. For the journey itself could be a blessing to others. So, I will chronicle my journey right here on this blog for the 8 of you that may care ☺. I started this process New Years Day. So, let me take a couple of days to catch you up to where I am.

➪ My Brother and I have had an estranged relationship for close to 20 years because of a fistfight that happened between us when I was 14 yrs old. Through this journey God revealed that I was at fault for what happened. I got angry, which is okay, but in my anger I sinned by throwing a book at him that hit him in the face. Over the years I have blamed him for what he was doing that made me that angry. But the truth of it is that my actions are the only ones I can control and in that moment I lost control and Sinned. I had never asked God for forgiveness or my Brother. In January I did both and was forgiven by both. My brother said “I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me.” We have had rough times of the passed 20 years but I blame myself for all of the hurtful things we did and said to each other because I was the one that was continuing to allow the devil to reign in that part of my life. Incidentally, estranged sibling relationships are not new in my family. My father has problems with his siblings as well. I believe to some extent that the same demon that powers that estrangement was passed on to my siblings and I. Praise God that he revealed that evil me and now that generational curse has been brought to the light and exposed so now boys and his kids do have it lurking around anymore. I was embarrassed that I had not seen it in my life before, but feel blessed that now my brother and I can start again in love.

Tune in tomorrow for my Emotional progress!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh, no you didn't..

Do we look down on the actions of God. Or said another way. Do we Judge the actions of God in the Old Testament. Who are we to judge what he does? I think we need to learn to believe the best about God. Do we pretend to know how to do things better than God? How can we say, “Man, God is so harsh in the Old Testament,” as if it is our place to label the actions of God as what is right and just. If we truly believe God loves us and will do what is right then we must look at all the things he does through this lens. It is fine to not understand and to even question, but we need to check our attitude in asking and make sure that we are really asking for God to give us clarity as opposed to using our question to condemn his actions.