Saturday, March 12, 2011

Which is more "unjust": The Tsunami or Charlie Sheen?

Which is more "unjust": the tsunami's in Japan or that a guy like Charlie Sheen has millions of dollars and "gets" to live with two "goddesses" that are half his age?

Sort of a weird question I know, because the two don’t seem to be inner related. But I think that both of these situations bring to front a discussion on what some would call injustice.
Here is what I mean in the case of Charlie Sheen your answer will depend on your version of success. If you think that money and women are the end points of life then I would guess that you think a tool like Charlie Sheen doesn’t deserve such riches. It’s the old “Why do Good things happen to Bad people?” question. But, I think that would be arrogant of us to judge Charlie Sheen. He is just doing what everyone around him was doing. 1 Corinthians tells us that as a Christian I am never to judge those who don’t know Christ because how can I expect them to act like someone they don’t know. I as a Christian should however Judge those that know Christ because they should know better. Truth of the matter is there are many all over the world that are working to achieve Charlie Sheen's life. They really believe that is, as Sheen would say, "Winning" not knowing that the effects of that pursuit could devastate their lives and the lives of their families. And they are a lot closer to us than you think. That to me is heart wrenching! The people in Japan had that tsunami happen to them where as the Charlie Sheen's of the world are bringing it on themselves.

In the case of the tsunami’s in Japan is not really a matter of justice at all, It is merely a horrible natural disaster. The real reason why I have think I have heard the word unjust thrown around in the Tsunami situation is because people are bringing in the age old question of “Why would a Just God allow this to happen?” I will try this week to take a stab at that on this blog. So be sure to become a followers so you can get in on the discussion :)

1 comment:

  1. thats where i want the Adjustment Bureau thought process of some things are just happen by chance to be true. before parenthood i would never have believed that things happen by chance at all. i was completely under the opinion that God has His hand in everything whether i understood it or not. now i struggle so much with the thought my loving Father having a hand in anything that harmed His children, although reading the Old Testament again is changing my opinion a bit. so now im kinda in a state of confusion. the good thing is that my salvation does not depend on what i end up believing in the matter but trying to learn will only bring me closer in my relationship with Him.
